
Saturday, May 19, 2012


I could not wait to be a mother
This is what I prayed for…yearned for…begged for
Why, then, am I struggling to embrace my calling as a mother?

Sometimes I feel like a failure—like I can’t do anything right
The house is a mess
My children are so very demanding
I snap at my husband and become easily frustrated
And my attitude is not where it should be

I feel like I can’t keep up-like I can’t be the “supermom” I was supposed to be
It seems like so many other people “get it”—why can’t I?
I could blame it on the fact that my child is so strong-willed
Or look for a host of other excuses 

But, the bottom line: I am a mother
I have been given this gift
And I need to cherish it or I will miss out on these fleeting moments

Lord—help me not to compare myself with others
When I look around and compare myself to others,
I will never reach the mark.
Instead, help me to look to You for the way I am supposed to raise my children
To look to You for strength, wisdom, and patience
Because You, Oh Lord, know my children and You know what’s best for them
May I teach them to obey you and may you equip me to train them properly
For they are your children
And I have only been entrusted with them for a little while

I am a mother
This is not an easy task
Help me not to take it lightly
But, also give me the ability to laugh at myself
To enjoy this road I am on
And bring You glory each day
May I change my attitude so that You will shine through me

"In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." 
Matthew 5:16

1 comment:

  1. I have felt the same sense of "not good enough" may times lately, and I love your transparency. I think God is teaching me to stay in an attitude of humility by creating a constant need for Him in order to carry out my daily tasks, which are truly privileges. Thank you for sharing your journey!
