
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Unit Seven: Us

To see a list of posts for all of our units for Kindergarten, see here.  This post contains information about only Unit Seven: Us.

Unit Seven focused on the letter U for Us and the coordinating Bible truth was "God made us Wonderful!" It was fun talking about the five different senses and how we use each of them.  Benjamin especially enjoyed the activity on day one where he had to use his sense of touch to guess which objects where inside of my purse.  He looked forward to the coordinating activities about the senses each day.  

Some supplements we used for this unit:

ABC Memory Verse Cards
In addition to the Bible truth, we are also memorizing a Bible verse that begins with the letter of the week. I received some ACB cards as a gift and they are by Dayspring, but I have also seen these online that would work just as well.

This week our U verse was: "...under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield..." (Psalm 91:4).  

Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader K
This book is perfect for kindergarten, as it has a well-illusrtated animal lesson for each letter of the alphabet.  This week we learned about Urchins. 

Since we were learning about US, I let Benjamin paint someone in our family.  He chose to paint his daddy.  

Short Videos about our Senses: 

5 senses jiminy cricket video

A dog's nose helps him figure out his birthday present!


We read a lot of books form our library this week.  Basically, any book that had the word "Me" or "I" in it, we checked it out!  In addition, we also found A True Book series that is a nonfiction book series about health and the human body.  We found one for each sense.  


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