
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Unit Six: Turtle

To see a list of posts for all of our units for Kindergarten, see here.  This post contains information about only Unit Six: Turtle.

Unit Six focused on the letter T for Turtle and the coordinating Bible truth was "I don't quit.  I persevere." I enjoyed explaining the word persevere to Him.  He seemed to enjoy this theme and liked learning about turtles.  

Some supplements we used for this unit:

ABC Memory Verse Cards
In addition to the Bible truth, we are also memorizing a Bible verse that begins with the letter of the week. I received some ACB cards as a gift and they are by Dayspring, but I have also seen these online that would work just as well.

This week our T verse was: "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader K
This book is perfect for kindergarten, as it has a well-illusrtated animal lesson for each letter of the alphabet.  This week we learned more about Turtles. 


Draw A Turtle
We used this site that showed step-by-step instructions for drawing a turtle.  After he drew his turtle, he painted it with watercolor paints.

Paper Plate Turtle Craft
This was a cute little craft!

All About Sea Turtles
This was an educational video about sea turtles.

Some great books for this unit include:
Emma's Turtle by Eve Bunting
Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbon
The Rabbit and the Turtle by Eric Carle
Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss

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