
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Unit Ten: Water

To see a list of posts for all of our units for Kindergarten, see here.  This post contains information about only Unit Ten: Water.

Unit Ten focused on the letter W for Water and the coordinating Bible truth was "Jesus gives my spirit living water to drink." Benjamin really enjoyed this unit because it gave him the opportunity to do a lot of hands-on activities.  I found a great 36 page resource for $3 that was worth every penny (see below)!
Benjamin cut out items from a magazine that were solids, liquids, and gases.  All I had was a Pottery Barn magazine, but we made it work :) He cut out cucumbers for the solids, glasses full of water and juice for the liquids, and the sky for his gas.  

Here, Benjamin drew his own solid (Lego man, of course), liquid (water in a swimming pool), and gas (helium in a balloon). 

Some supplements we used for this unit:

My favorite thing that I found for this unit was a 36-page printable from Teacher's Notebook. It cost $3, but it was totally worth it!  My son really enjoyed all of the experiments and it was fun to have bright pages at which to look.  I would definitely recommend getting a copy!  If you've never used Teacher's Notebook before, I would recommend creating an account and browsing through their stuff.  You can get a lot of great stuff for free or pay a few dollars for some great stuff too.  See the lesson on matter here.  

ABC Memory Verse Cards
In addition to the Bible truth, we are also memorizing a Bible verse that begins with the letter of the week. I received some ACB cards as a gift and they are by Dayspring, but I have also seen these online that would work just as well.

This week our W verse was: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for man" (Colossians 3:23). 

Christian Liberty Press Nature Reader K
This book is perfect for kindergarten, as it has a well-illusrtated animal lesson for each letter of the alphabet.  This week we learned about whales.  

I've mentioned that we use this book before, but it had a great section on matter.  We always love The Berenstain Bears!

Some books we enjoyed for this unit were Water Changes and Down Comes the Rain

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